علماء في الذاكرة

زهير علي العاملي

الاسمزهير علي العامليZuhair Ali Al-AmiliName
المهنةخبير في البستنة والاعناب خصوصاExpert in HorticultureProfession
العنوانوزارة الزراعة/اقليم كردستان/اربيلMinistry of Agriculture,Kurdistan/ArbilAddress
البريدالالكتروني[email protected][email protected] 
الشهادةدكتوراه في البستنة والاعنابPhD in Agriculture and ViticultureDiploma
الدولة المانحة والجامعةمعهد كوبان للزراعة/التحاد السوفيتيCuban Agricultural Institution/Soviet UnionGraduate Country & Univ
سنة التخرج19681968Year of Graduation
العمل الحاليخبير اعناب متفرغMinistry of Agriculture/ Kurdistan (ErbilCurrent work
مجال البحثبستنةHortciultureResearch Area
الاتجاه البحثي  Research interest
Mobiles: Fastlink : +962 79 7075646
Asiacell : +964 770 3488011
Korek : +964 750 4558310
E-mail : mailto:[email protected]
Nationality: Iraqi
Date and place of birth: 26-1-1937, Baghdad, Iraq

: Language proficiency
Arabic: mother tongue
Russain : V.good/ reading & writing & speaking
English : Good/ reading & writing & speaking
1959: B.Sc. Agriculture, Baghdad University
1968: Ph.D. in Agriculture and Viticulture, Cuban Agricultural Institution, Soviet Union

1969-1987: . Chief of Fruit Department, Ministry of Agriculture, Iraq
: Functions
. Supervision of Horticulture stations all over the county
. Conducting studies, evaluations and deciding on selection of grape varieties
Planning and setting up orchards in most of Iraqi governorates especially the northern governorates of Dohuk, Erbil, . Sulaimania and Diala
. Introducing drip irrigation in the orchards of north Iraq
. Member of Ministerial Committee for Developing Fruit Planting in the north
. Training employees in modern methods of planting and pruning vines
. Research into the production of seedless grapes and raisins
. External lecturer in grapes horticultur at the college of agriculture in the University of Sulaimaniya
. External examiner of higher degree students (M.sc and Ph.D at the universities of Baghdad, Sulaimaiya and Mosul
. Represented the Ministry of Agriculture at international scientific conferences in Bulgaria 1976 and Romania 1978
Evaluating researches and scientific books about fruit and grapes issued by Iraqi Universities
. 1987-2000
. Independent consultant on planning and maintenance of fruit orchards
2001-2003 Consultant to the Food & Agriculture Organization (F.A.O) on vineyard cultures. Formulating specialized
: projects for development application, which included the following
Studying grape varieties in North Iraq, identifying and recording 85 of them (among them a number of new ones) and . propagate some of them
Establishing demonstration fields in local private vineyards; introducing scientific methods of vine culture; proposing methods of training on wires of both pergolas and T-shape structures which increase production and
. improve quality
. Introducing new varieties to the area with good commercial properties
Bringing a number of grape varieties fron Iran (most of them seedless)
Establishing three small factories of concrete poles production for vine cultures in the Governorates of
. Sulaimaniya, Dohuk and Erbil
Preparing illustrated booklet containing descriptions of 56 grape varieties which where identified during 2001-2002
. 2004
Expert to the local Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation in the region of Kurdistan (Erbil) to continue the work
. regarding the develop met of vine culture in the region
Sep. 2005 – Sep. 2006
Expert Consultant to the U.S.-based Organization of Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI) under the Agriculture Reconstructions and Development Program for Iraq (ARDI). My duties included supervising the development of vineyards : projects in Iraqi Kurdistan, as follows
Benchmarking the grape varieties trees in local private vineyards in the governorates of Erbil, Dohuk and Sulaimaniya and . collecting more than one million grape cuttings
. Plantation of grape cuttings in three local private nurseries for producing pure grape varieties seedlings
Establishing 18 demonstration fields in local private vineyards for introducing modern training and drip irrigation
. systems
Introducing and propagation six new grape varieties (most of them seedless) by using grafting system
. March 2007 – present
. Expert Consultant with the Ministry of Agriculture in the region of Kurdistan (Erbil)
Performing pruning and training operations on grape trees in the demonstration fields which were created in the
. three governorates
. Propagation of commertial and the new grape varieties
. Training 10 agricultural Engineers on performing vineyards services
Modernization and development of the grapes training system in the agricultural research centers and diagnosing the . varieties planted in them
. Designing, Planning and Planting more than 60 donums of vienyards with privite sectors
. Revising the booklet on grape varieties, mentioned above, to include 42 new varieties bringing the total to 98

اظهر المزيد

الشبكة العراقية لنخلة التمر

الشبكة العراقية لنخلة التمر عمل تطوعي غير ربحي انشأ كصدقة جارية عام 2007 ليجمع أرشيف النخيل العراقي والعربي ويوثق الأحداث والإنجازات التي يقوم بها ذوي الاختصاص في هذا المجال، يحوي الموقع اكثر من 3000 ملفاً.