Scientific background:
B. Sc. 1955. College of Sciences, Baghdad University, Zoology .
Ph. D. 1966 Leningrad University. Genetics.
Field of work: Radiation Genetics, Genetic methods of insect control, and insect disinfestations of food by radiation.Employment :
Researcher- Iraqi Atomic Energy commission.
Head, Entomology section, 1967-1982.
Director, Department of Plant Protection 1983-1985.
Address: Baghdad, Mobile: 00964 -7702944782
Other Activities:
Delivered lectures in “ Radiation Biology” to M.Sc. students at College of Science, Baghdad University during 1970-1971 & 1971-1972
Participation as a lecturer in the following training courses: Inter-Regional Training Course on Food Irradiation, held by FAO/IAEA in Rio de Janeiro, Nov. 1975.
International Facility for Food Irradiation Technology, Fourth General Training Course on Food Irradiation, Organized at the Research Institute ITAL. Wageningen,the Netherlands (1982), L102-1 (21p) and L 103-1 (20p).
As in (b) but the Fifth General Training Course on Food Irradiation, (1984). Several local training courses in Genetics, pest Control, and food irradiation.
Activities related to IAEA Programmes :
Participated in the IAEA- IRAQ research contract No. 941/RB, 1970-1973 on Irradiation of dates.
Principal Scientific Investigator:
IAEA- IRAQ Research agreement No.1768/CF, 1976-1980.
IAEA- IRAQ Research agreement No.2918/CF still in effect since 1981, on “Pillot- scale radiation disinfestations of dry dates with emphasis on packaging “ which forms a part of the Agency’s Co-ordinated programme of research in pre-commercial scale radiation treatment of food.
Acted as session chairman in many scientific conferences.
Foreign Languages:
Conferences, Sympoisia, and meetings attended :
FAO/IAEA Expert panel on application of induced sterility for control of lepidopterous, Vienna (1970).
UN International conference on peaceful uses of atomic energy, Geneva (1971).
FAO/IAEA Symposium on: Sterility principle for insect control, Innsbruck (1974).
FAO/IAEA Advisory group meeting on low-dose irradiation of agricultural products, Rio de Janeiro (1975).
Fourteenth international congress of genetics, Moscow (1978).
Ninth international congress of plant protection, Washington, D.C. (1979).
FAO/IAEA Symposium on : Combination processes in food irradiation, Colombo (1980).
USDA/FAO/IAEA International conference on radiation disinfestations of food and agricultural products, Honolulu (1983).
FAO/IAEA/ USDA Symposium on: Food irradiation processing, Washington, D.C. (1985).
Many other FAO/IAEA Research coordination meetings on: Insect disinfestations of food and agricultural products by Irradiation, were attended.
Other local conferences.
Published papers:
Ahmed, M. S. H., Hameed, A. A., Kadhum, A. A., Ali, S. R., Farkas, J., Langerak, D. Is., Van Duren, M.D.A., Comparative evaluation of trial shipments of fumigated and radiation disinfested dates from Iraq, Acta Alimentaria, 14 4 (1985) 355-366.
Ahmed, M.S.H., Al-Maliky, S.K, Al-Taweel, A.A., Jabo, N.F., Al-Hakkak, Z. S., Effects of three temperature regimes on rearing and biological activities of Bracon hebetor (Say) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), J. stored Prod. Res., 21 2 (1985) 65-68.
Ahmed, M. S. H., Hameed, A. A., Kadhum, A. A., Ali, S. R., “Insect disinfestations on packed dates by gamma-radiation, “Radiation Disinfestations of food and Agricultural Products (Proc. Intern. Conf., Honolulu, 1983), Univ. of Hawaii, Honolulu, U.S.A. (1985) 374-380.
Ahmed, M. S. H., Hameed, A. A., Kadhum, A. A., Ali, S. R., Al-Hakkak, Z. S., Cytoplasmic analysis of Ephestia cautella adult females collected in different regions of Iraq, J. stored Prod. Res., 20 3 (1984) 151-152.
Ahmed, M. S. H., Al-Saqur, A. M., Al-Hakkak, Z.S., Effect of different temperatures on some biological activities of the parasitic wasp Bracon hebetor (say) (Hymenoptera), FAO/ Date palm J., 1 2 (1982) 239-247.
Ahmed, M. S. H. et al., Disinfestations of commercially packed dates, Zahdi variety, by ionizing radiation, FAO/Date palm J. 1 2 (1982) 249-273.
Ahmed, M. S. H., Al-Hakkak, Z.S., Al-Maliky, S.K., Kadhum, A. A., Lamooza, S.B., “Irradiation disinfestations of dry dates and the possibility of using combination treatments “, Combination processes in food Iradiation (Proc. Symp. Colompo, 1980) IAEA, Vienna (1981) 217-228.
Ahmed, M. S. H., Investigations on insect disinfestations of dried dates by using gamma radiation-a review, FAO/Date palm J. 1 1 (1981) 107-116.
Ahmed, M. S. H., Insect disinfestations of dried dates by using ionizing radiation, Food Iradiat., 2 2 (1978) 8-9.
Ahmed, M. S. H., Lamooza, S. B., Ouda, N.A., Farkas, J., The effect of irradiated dates on the development of Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.), Coleptera, Cucujidae, Acta Alimentaria, 6 3 (1977) 187-192.
Ahmed, M. S. H., Lamooza, S. B., Ouda, N. A, Al-Hassany, I.A., “Preliminary report on mating studies of three varieties of Cadra (Ephestia) cautella (walker)’’, Symp. On the Sterility Principle for Insect Control, IAEA/FAO, Innsbruck (1974) IAEA, Vienna (1975) 413-421.
Ahmed, M. S. H., Al-Hassany, I.A., Lamooza, S. B., Ouda, N.A., Al-Taweel, A.A., ‘’Further hybridization experiments with different strains of Ephestia cautella’’ Proc. Iraq Atomic Energy Commission, 1 st Sci. Conf., Baghdad (1975) 108-111.
Ahmed, M. S. H., Al-Taweel, A. A., Ouda, N. A., Lamooza, S. B., Al-Hassany, I. A., “ Colour inheritance in the forewings of Ephestia cautella (Walker) ” , Proc. Iraq Atomic Energy Commission, 1st Sci. conf., Baghdad (1975) 89-96.
Ahmed, M. S. H., Ouda, N.A., Lamooza, S.B., Al-Hassany, I.A., Effect of gamma radiation on some embryonic stages of two stored-date insect species, Acta Alimentaria, 3 4 (1974) 431-436.
Ahmed, M. S. H., Ouda, N. A., Lamooza, S. B., Al-Hakkak, Z. S., Al-Saqur, A.M., Disinfestations of dry dates by gamma radiation, Ist Sci. Conf., Scientific Research Foundation, Baghdad (1972) 264-271.
Ahmed, M. S. H., Al-Hakkak, Z. S., Al-Saqur, A. M., “Inherited sterility in the fig moth, Cadra (Ephestia) cautella Walker’’, Intern. Conf. Geneva,( 1971) 12 UN, IAEA, Vienna (1972) 383-389.
Ahmed, M. S. H., Al-Hakkak, Z. S., Al-Saqur, A. M., “ Exploratory studies on the possibility of integrated control of the fig moth (Ephestia cautella Walk.) “ , Application of Induced Sterility for Control of Lepidopterous Population (Proc.Panel, Vienna, 1970) IAEA, Vienna (1971) 1-6.
Ahmed, M. S. H., Hussain, A. A., Some biological aspects of the fig moth, Ephestia cautella Walk., and its parasite, Microbracon hebetor Say, The Iraqi J. Agric. Sci.4 2 (1969) 27-31.
Hashim-Ahmed, M. S., Cytogenetic Analysis of lethal mutation at various stages of spermatogenesis, Genetica 3 (1965) 49-55 (in Russian with English Summary).
Hashim-Ahmed, M. S., Cytogenetic Analysis of Induced Lethal Mutation in Drosophila melanogaster, Autoreferat, Leningrad University press (1966) 20 ( in Russian).
Hashim-Ahmed, M. S., The effect of high temperature on the frequency of x-ray induced yellow mutation in Muller-5 strain of Drosophila melanogaster, Isledovania po Genetike (M. E. Lobashov,Ed.) Leningrad Univ. 3 (1967) 49-52 (in Russian).
Al-Maliky, S. K., Ahmed, M.S.H., Lamooza, S. B., Al-Hakkak, Z. S., Some biological activities of three strains and a hybrid of Ephestia cautella (Walker) under four environmental regimes, J. Biol. Sci. 14 1 (1983) 69-77.
Al-Hakkak, Z. S., Ali, S.R., Ahmed, M. S. H., Al-Maliky, S.K., wholesomeness studies with a full diet of irradiated dates using the insect Ephestia Cautella (walker) : I. Disinfestations doses of gamma radiation, FAO date palm J., 2 1 (1983) 87-102
Al-Hakkak, Z. S., Ali, S.R., Ahmed, M. S. H., Al-Maliky, S.K., II. Effect of high doses of gamma radiation, FAO Date palm J., 2 2 (1983) 235-252.
Al-Hakkak, Z. S., Ali, S.R., Ahmed, M. S. H., Al-Maliky, S.K., III. Effect of long term feeding, FAO date palm J., 3 1 (1984) 337-347.
Al-Hakkak, Z. S., Ahmed, M. S. H., Ali, S.R., Lamooza, S. B., Al-Maliky, S.K., Kadhum, A. A., Studies on Iraqi population of Drosophila melanogaster inhabiting Tuwaitha area, JBSR, 16 2 (1985) 295-304.
Al-Hakkak, Z. S., Ali, S.R., Ahmed, M. S. H., Differential sterility induced by gamma radiation in the adult males of six strains of Ephestia cautella, JBSR, 16 1 (1985) 217-226.
Auda, H., Ahmed, M. S. H., Effect of gamma radiation on composition, insect control and shelf- life of Iraqi dates at different stages of development, Final Report to IAEA, Research contract No. 941/RB (1973), (Unpublished report).
Several other locally or internationally published or unpublished scientific reports and abstracts in both Arabic and English which are not mentioned here.
الاشعاعات المؤينة وحفظ الغذاء من الحشرات تونس/1998 منشورات الهيئة العربية للطاقة الذرية
الوراثة والاشعاعات الذرية ، منشورات وزارة العلوم والتكنولوجيا/ 2002.
فصول في التطور- بغداد / 2006 .