الباحثون العراقيون

الدكتور محمد عبدالهادي دكلة

Home:7041 Rushwood Dr.El Dorado Hills, CA,95762
Tel:001 916 939 3856
Email: mailto:[email protected]

Formal Education:
B.Sc. (1961), Field Crops, California Polytechnic University
M.Sc.(1962), Agricultural Education, California Polytechnic University
Ph.D.(1965),Extension Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Positions Held and Responsibilities:
July 2006-Present: Emeritus Professor, Retired
June 1997-June 2006
Professor and Faculty Associate, Department of Life Sciences Communication
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Area: Agriculture and Extension Education
Focus: Program Development and Evaluation
Teaching and Advising
Taught following courses.
LSC 200 Introduction to Agriscience and Natural Resources education 3 cr.
CAVE 319 Agencies and Programs of Adult Education 1 cr.
CAVE 321 Understanding the Independent Learner 1 cr.
CAVE 322 Sociological Background of Adult Learning 1 cr.
LSC 370 Teaching Methods in Agriscience Education 3 cr.
CAVE 510 Introduction to University Extension 3 cr.
LSC 521 Curriculum in Agricultural Education 3 cr.
CAVE 600 I Introduction to Continuing and Vocational Education 3 cr.
CAVE 602 I Introduction to Evaluation in Continuing and Vocational Education 1 cr.
CAVE 650 Evaluation of Continuing and Vocational Education 2 cr.
CAVE 609 Proseminar: Departmental Research Colloquium 1 cr.
CAVE 709 Problems and Issues of Evaluation in Continuing and Vocational
Education 2 cr.
CAVE 831 Extension in Developing Countries 3 cr.
Farm and Industry Short Course Community Leadership 1 cr.
TC110 Development and Operation of Agricultural Extension Programs in Developing Countries
Served as major advisor to Ph.D, M.S., and undergraduate students. Also served on committees for several Ph.D. and M.S. students.

Research and Scholarship

Rural Population Learning and Communication Behavior Relevant to Sustainable Agricultural Systems and Practices. Principal investigator of North Central Cooperative Research Project “The Adoption of Sustainable Farming Systems—Implications to Agricultural Education.”
Evaluation Competencies for Extension Educators.
Conducted evaluation-training workshops for Cooperative Extension faculty.
Consulted with Cooperative Extension faculty about program evaluation.
Provided evaluation training for and consult with state agencies personnel
Prepared evaluation material for Cooperative Extension personnel.
Coordinated and collaborate with the Wisconsin Dept. of Public Instruction and other Agricultural Education agencies and institutions.
Served as external examiner to the Faculty of Agriculture, the University of the West Indies
Member of three North Central Agricultural Experiment Station committees:
-NC 216 – The Adoption of Sustainable Agricultural Systems—Implications to Agricultural
– NC 181 – Rural Education
– NC 24 – Agricultural Education
August 24, 1992-June 1997
Professor and Faculty Associate, Department of Continuing and Vocational Education
University of Wisconsin-Madison
September 10, 1990-August 23,1992
Visiting Professor, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Department of Continuing and Vocational Education
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Co-coordinator of Technical Course 110-5 (Development and Operation of Agricultural Extension Programs).
Taught CAVE 100, 709, and 521 (Curriculum in Agricultural Education).
Participated in Extension task force leading to development of core competencies for Extension personnel.
May 1985-August 31, 1990
Professor of Agricultural Extension, College of Agriculture
University of Baghdad; Baghdad, Iraq
Taught graduate and undergraduate courses in research methodology, principles of agricultural extension, extension systems and methods, leadership and general rural sociology.
Advised graduate students working toward M.S. degrees in agricultural extension.
Conducted research on rurality and its relation to youth occupational aspirations.
Chaired College Committee responsible for faculty promotions and overseeing faculty research activities.
Initiated and served as Director of the College of Agriculture Consulting Services. This was a first of its kind corporation that provided paid consulting services to large-scale agricultural operations.
Served on editorial board of the Journal of the College of Agriculture.
Served as consultant to national agencies (i.e., different branches of the Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform such as Department of Agricultural Extension, Board of Applied Agricultural Research) on matters pertaining to extension, research, and training policies and programs.
Served as consultant to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations on matters relating to the status of agricultural extension world-wide (Global Consultation on Agricultural Extension, Rome, December 1989), extension programs for women (Cairo, summers of 1986 and 1987), and training extension field personnel (Cyprus, November 1987).
July 1982-May 1985
Consultant in Agricultural Extension, Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform Baghdad, Iraq.
Served as consultant to State Board for Agricultural Extension and Training on matters relating to organization, programming and personnel training.
Served on national committees dealing with issues pertaining to agricultural research and rural development.
Served as consultant to Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) of the United Nations on matters relating to rural development in the Middle East (Baghdad, 1983) and population and agriculture (Aman, Jordan, 1984).
February 1975-July 1982
Professor and Chair, Department of Agricultural and Extension Education
College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad
Established and chaired a new Department of Agricultural and Extension Education at the College of Agriculture. This involved:
– Working closely with other department chairs in the college to develop curricula for both extension and agricultural education majors.
– Recruiting full and part-time faculty and lecturers for the department.
– Negotiating sufficient budget allocations to provide necessary supplies and materials for instruction, research, and service activities.
– Networking with relevant organizations, agencies, and potential employers of graduates.
– Working with faculty from other departments to establish a tradition of public service at the College. This involved sponsoring demonstrations, field days, and professional development training opportunities and other activities.
– Advocating, through the College Board, the introduction of changes in the college curricula to ensure balance, integration, articulation, and continuity.
• Initiated a graduate program in the Department. The overall purpose of the program was to prepare qualified extension professionals capable of providing leadership roles in the Government Department of Agricultural Extension/Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform. Three to seven students were admitted into the program each year. Was either major advisor or committee member for the majority of graduate students. Examples of theses Titles that were completed by graduate students include:
– Linkage Between Teaching, Research and Agricultural Extension in Iraq.
– An Evaluation of the Extension Program for Rural Women in Iraq.
– Toward a More Effective Youth Extension Program in Iraq.
– A Model for Human Resource Development in Iraqi Agricultural Establishments.
– The Adult Literacy Program in Rural Areas and its Relation to the Adoption of Recommended Farm Practices.
– Participation of Rural Leaders in Planning, Implementing and Evaluating Extension Programs.
– Evaluating Job Performance of Extension Workers.
– Farmers Attachment to the Land—A Study of Rural-Urban Migration in Two Iraqi Villages.
January 1974-February 1975
University of Sulaymania, Iraq
Was with the University of Sulaymania for a limited time immediately after returning to Iraq in 1974. University life was severely disrupted at the time because of the Kurdish war. Activities included teaching two courses, advising students and serving on committees

1971-January 1974
Professor and Chair, Department of Agricultural and Extension Education
University of Wisconsin -Madison
Provided overall leadership for the undergraduate and graduate programs (M.S. and Ph.D.) in two specializations: agricultural extension and agricultural education. One of the distinguishing features of the department was its large number of international graduate students, who at times, made up 30% of the total graduate student enrollment.
Taught graduate courses in Research Methodology and Introduction to Agricultural Extension in Developing Countries and several seminars in adult education and extension (i.e., Friere on Adult Education, Comparative Extension Systems).
Advised Ph.D. and M.S. students.
Conducted funded research:
– Was principal investigator of a Hatch supported project on adult participation in educational activities.
– Had support for graduate students from the graduate school.
– Collaborated with colleagues in 1973 on a MUCIA supported project on the status of agricultural extension in some developing countries.
Served as external examiner to the University of Malaysia during the period 1972-1975 and visited the University at Kuala Lumpur in 1975 for two weeks.
Member of University of Wisconsin team assisting the College of Agriculture,
University of Ife, Western Nigeria
Taught courses in Extension Education.
Initiated a graduate program in extension education and taught graduate courses in Research Methodology, Agricultural Extension Methods, and Program Planning.
Initiated a research project on rural leadership.
Helped plan and seek support from British Ministry for Overseas Development for a University of Ife Extension Program in selected rural villages.
Consulted with Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources on matters relating to their agricultural extension program in general and the training program at the Akure Agricultural School in particular. This school was the only school at the time delegated with the responsibility of training agricultural assistants for the Western State.
Promoted to Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural and Extension Education
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Responsibilities included carrying out the same teaching, research and public service functions as during the period from 1971-January 1974 above.
Served as book review editor for the Journal of Adult Education, for the period 1967-1969.

Douglah, Mohammad A., Kasim Alfarhan and Sahir Sudad. ( 1979 ),Rural Society, University of Mosul Press, Mosul, Iraq (In Arabic).
Douglah, Mohammad A.1981. Arab Food Security and Agricultural Development (Ed.), Arab Federation of Scientific Research Councils, Baghdad, Iraq. (In Arabic)
Book Chapters:
Forest, Laverne B.and Mohammad A. Douglah. (1992 ),Strategic Evaluation—A Focus on Extensions Future,” to be published in Extension Strategy for Agricultural Development in 21st Century, S.K. Samanta (Ed.), National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, India.
Journal and Other Articles:
Douglah, Mohammad, et al. (2003). Developing and Nurturing an Evaluation Culture in a Public Educational Agency. Paper presented at American Evaluation Association, November, 2003, Reno, Nevada.
Douglah, Mohammad, et al (2001 ), Prospects for Strengthening the Agricultural Extension Service in Oman Report of USDA Oman Assessment Team.
Douglah, Mohammad. 1998. Developing a Concept of Evaluation. University of Wisconsin Extension—Cooperative Extension.
Douglah, Mohammad and Nicodemus Sicilima. 1997. “A Comparative Study of Farmers Participation in Two Agricultural Extension Approaches in Tanzania. Journal a/International Agricultural and Extension Education, Vol. 4, No. 1.
Taylor-Powell, Ellen, Sara Steele and Mohammad Douglah. 1996. “Planning a Program Evaluation. University of Wisconsin-Extension, Cooperative Extension.
Douglah, Mohammad A. and S. Hamza. 1989. “Extension Activities of Agricultural Technical Institutes in Iraq and Factors Associated With It,” Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the Scientific Research Council, Baghdad, Iraq (In Arabic).
Douglah, Mohammad A. and S. Hamza. 1989. “Extension Activities of Agricultural Graduates Engaged in Farming,” Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the Scientific Research Council, Baghdad, Iraq (In Arabic).
Douglah, Mohammad A. and Maha Fadil. 1988. “Rural Background of First Year Students Enrolled at the College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad, And Some Factors Associated With It,” Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Research, Baghdad, Iraq (In Arabic).
Douglah, Mohammad A. and Saleem Abdul. 1988. “Level of Performance of Agricultural Extension Agents in the Mid-Governates of Iraq,” Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Research, Baghdad, Iraq (In Arabic).
Douglah, Mohammad A. 1986. “Agricultural Extension—Principles and Constraints (With Special Reference to the ESCWA Region),” Agriculture and Development in Western Asia, Joint Publication of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia and The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, No. 9.
Douglah, Mohammad A. and M. Alradhi. 1985. “Population and Agriculture in the Arab World,” Proceedings of the Regional Conference on Population, Amman, Jordan, 25-29 April (In Arabic).
Douglah, Mohammad A. 1984. “Toward A Comprehensive Concept of Agricultural Extension,” Proceedings of the Third Conference of the Scientific Research Council, Baghdad, Iraq.
Douglah, Mohammad A. and M. Airadhi. 1983. “Agriculture and Development in Iraq,” Agriculture and Development in Western Asia, No. 6, November.
Douglah, Mohammad A. 1981. “The Problem of Food Security in the Arab World,” FoodSecurity and Agricultural Development, Federation of Arab Scientific Research Councils, Baghdad, Iraq.
Douglah, Mohammad A. 1977. “Training Local-Level Women Extension Workers,” RisaletAl-MurshidAl-Zirai, Nos. 139 & 140, State Board for Agricultural Extension, Baghdad, Iraq.
Douglah, Mohammad A. 1971. “Community Development: Assessment, Interpretation and a Professional Stand,” Bulletin of Rural Economics and Sociology, Vol. 6, No. 1, Ibadan, Nigeria.
Douglah, Mohammad A. 1970. “Some Perspectives on the Phenomenon of Participation,” Journal of Adult Education, Vol. XX, No. 2.
Douglah, Mohammad A. and Howard Shriver. 1969. “A Merger of Cooperative Extension,” Journal of Cooperative Extension, Vol. VII, No. 3.
Douglah, Mohammad A. and Gwenna Moss. 1969. “Adult Education as a Field of Study and its Implications for the Preparation of Adult Educators,” Journal of Adult Education, Vol. XIX, No. 2.
Douglah, Mohammad A. and Gwenna Moss. 1968. “Differential Participation Patterns of Low and High Educational Attainment,” Journal of Adult Education, Vol. XV11, No. 4.
Douglah, Mohammad A. and Donald Blackburn. 1968. “Method Orientation of Adults to Participate in Educative Activities,” Abstract, ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult Education.
Douglah, Mohammad A. 1967. “Program Planning Research,” Journal of Cooperative Extension., Vol. V, Spring.
Douglah, Mohammad A. and Peter Roycraft. 1967. “Studying the Low Income Family,” Journal of Cooperative Extension, Vol. IV, Fall.
Boyle, Patrick G. and Mohammad A. Douglah. 1964. “Who Will Serve as Youth Leaders,” Journal of Cooperative Extension, Vol. II.
Evaluaton of Social, Economic and Ethical Implications of Genetically Modified Agricultural Products. Principal Evaluator of USDA Project.


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الشبكة العراقية لنخلة التمر

الشبكة العراقية لنخلة التمر عمل تطوعي غير ربحي انشأ كصدقة جارية عام 2007 ليجمع أرشيف النخيل العراقي والعربي ويوثق الأحداث والإنجازات التي يقوم بها ذوي الاختصاص في هذا المجال، يحوي الموقع اكثر من 3000 ملفاً.