
اول تسجيل لحشرة سوسة النخيل الحمراء في تونس

2011/235 First report of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus in Tunisia
In December 2011, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, red palm weevil – EPPO A2 List) was detected for the first time on ornamental palm trees (Phoenix canariensis) in the city of Carthage (north of Tunis) by the NPPO of Tunisia. The identification of the pest was confirmed by the ‘Laboratoire de Quarantaine’. Eradication measures have immediately been put into place and include the uprooting and burning of symptomatic plants, as well as treatment of asymptomatic plants and surveys of the neighbouring areas.The pest status of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus in Tunisia is officially declared as: Present, only on a few plants of Phoenix canariensis (city of Carthage), under eradication/containment.
NPPO of Tunisia (2011-12).EPPO Reporting Service no 11 Paris 1st Nov 2011
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الشبكة العراقية لنخلة التمر

الشبكة العراقية لنخلة التمر عمل تطوعي غير ربحي انشأ كصدقة جارية عام 2007 ليجمع أرشيف النخيل العراقي والعربي ويوثق الأحداث والإنجازات التي يقوم بها ذوي الاختصاص في هذا المجال، يحوي الموقع اكثر من 3000 ملفاً.

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