كتب النخيلالمؤتمرات
Innovative and Sustainable Approaches for the Control of Red Palm Weevil 2019
AJPP, Volume 37, issue 2, June 2019 (Special issue) for printing by FAO_compressed
3.24 ميغابايت
كن متابعاً أولاً بأول، خطوة بسيطة وتكون ممن يطلعون على الخبر في بداية ظهورة، اشترك الآن في القائمة البريدية
covering the biological, ecological, detection and Red Palm weevil conference proceeding contains a very important articles and have different topics covering the significant approaches of biological, ecological, remote sensing and control of RPW. The congress was organized in 2019 by FAO in collaboration with IAM-Bari, Italy