الباحثون العراقيون

الدكتور باسل كامل الدلالي

المؤتمر الدولي الثامن لاتحاد النحالين العرب /العراق/ النجف الاشرف 10-2015/10/13

Basil Kamil Dalaly
Professor of Nutrition, Food Science and Hospitality
South Dakota State University
Department: Nutrition, Food Science and Hospitality
Email:[email protected]
Original Employment Date: February, 11, 2004
Graduate Degrees and/or Educational Experience:

Graduate Degrees and/or Educational Experience:


B.Sc.University of BaghdadAnimal Husbandry1963
M.S.South Dakota State UniversityDairy Science1967
Ph.D.University of NebraskaBiotechnology1970

Professional Experience/Employment:

University of NebraskaPost-doctorate FellowResearch1970
University of Mosul (Iraq)Assistant ProfessorTeaching,And Research1971-1975
University of MosulDean, College of Agric.Research1975-1977
Michigan State UniversityVisiting ProfessorResearch1977-1978
University of Mosul (Iraq)Dean, College of Agric. 1984-1996
Academy of Science (Iraq)Member 1996-present
Giessen University Germany)DAAD, FellowResearchJune-August 1989
Ministry of AgricultureSenior Deputy MinisterResearch1996-2004
South Dakota State UnivProfessorTeaching,and Research2004-present

Teaching Experience (At SDSU):
NFS 792 Enzymes
NFS 760 Vitamins and Minerals
NFS 704 Phytochemicals
NFS 634 Techniques in Food and Nutrition research
NFS 490/590 Seminar
NFS 450/550 Food Analysis
NFS 360 Food Chemistry
NFS 151 Food Technology
NFS 798 Thesis

Significant Contribution to Research or Scholarship:

My main research interest is in the field of biotechnology, particularly enzyme isolation, purification, and immobilization for food industry.
In the ministry of Agriculture (Iraq), my objective was restructuring the research activities of the ministry and creates links with the colleges of agriculture.

Awards and Honors:
First award of the Federation of Arab scientific Research Councils for authoring the book entitled “Selected Topics in Biotechnology”, 1997.
Distinguished Professor Award, Mosul University, 1983.


  1. Using Crude Extract of Calotropis procera in Leather Bating, 2002.
  2. A Design of Multi-Needles Injection Apparatus for Meat Tenderization, 2002.


1. Fundamentals of Biochemistry (1980).
2. Enzymes in Food Processing (translated 198 1) 3. Food Chemistry (1982).
4. Understanding Enzymes (translated 1983).
5. The Proteins (1984).
6. Fundamentals of Biochemistry (revised 1986). 7. Food Analysis (1987).
8. Food Chemistry (revised 1988)
9. Selected Topics in Biotechnology (1993).
10. Fundamentals of Biochemistry (revised 1994)

Journal Articles:

1. Factors in body and water-holding capacity of a low-fat spread-type dairy product. B.K. Dalaly, K.R. Spurgeon and S.W. Seas. J. Dairy Sci. Vol.51, No.6, 1968. (Abstract)

2. Isolation of human milk ribonuclease. B.K. Dalaly, I.R. Vakil and K.M. Shahani. J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 5 1, No. 6, 1986. (Abstract).

3. Simultaneous isolation of human milk ribonuclease and lysozyme. B.K. Dalaly, E. Eitenmiller, and K.M. Shahani. Analytical Biochemistry Vol. 37, No. 1, 1970.

4. Ammonia production in sheep in relation to different kinds of feed. M.R. Taka. B.K. Dalaly and N. Thanoon. Mesopotamia J. Agric. Vol. 8, No. 2, 1973.

5. Effect of spray drying process on the reconstitution of powdered milk of various domestic animals. M.K. Farag and B.K. Dalaly. Mesopotamia J. Agric. Vol. 8, No. 2, 1973.

6. Studies on retarding the viscosity development in milk caused by Alcaligenes viscolactis by using some common preservatives. B.K. Dalaly and M.K. Farag. Mesopotamia J. Agric. Vol. 8. No. 2, 1973.

7. Chemical and bacteriological studies on mineral and thermal springs in Ninevah province. B.K. Dalaly, S.A. Rahim and M.K. Farag. Mesopotamia J. Agric. Vol. 9, No. 2, 1974.

8. Studies on the factors affecting resistance to heat injured bacteria. M.K. Farag and B.K. Dalaly Assuit Agric. Vol. 6, No. 1, 1975.

9. The manufacture and composition of awshari cheese. B.K. Dalaly, L. Abdel Mottaleb and M.K. Farag. Dairy Industries Vol. 4 1, No. 2, 1976.

10. Studies on improving the quality of dibbis. B.K. Dalaly and H. Nour El-din. Mesopotamia J. Agric. Vol. 1, No. 2, 1976.

11. Effect of seasonal variations on the physical and chemical properties of essential oils in Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn. H. Nour El-din, A. Abou Dahab, B.K. Dalaly and F. Al-Ani. Mesopotamia J. Agric. Vol. 1, No. 1, 1976.

12. The composition of buffaloes milk the in the Mosul area. B.K. Dalaly, L. Abedl Mottateb and A. ElShasy. Mesopotamia J. Agric. Vol., No. 2, 1976.

13. Study of transformation of PP-DDT under the effect of certain treatments as revealed by gas chromatography. B. K. Dalaly and A.A. Salim. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtaher, Vol.8, 1977.

14. Effect of storage on residues of Anthio : S- (N- formal – methyl – carbamoyl – metal) dimetyl thiolothionate, on and in orange fruits. B.K. Dalaly and A.A. Salim.

Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtaher, Vol. 8. 1977.

15. Plastein from soybean protein isolate. B.K. Dalaly and R. Brunner. Mesopotamia J. Agric. Vol. 14, No. 2, 1979.

16. The paracaseinate-phosphate complex from buffalo milk under different concentrations of acid and salt. B.K. Dalaly, L. Abdet-Mottateb. Mesopotamia J. Agric. Vol. 14, No. 2, 1979.

17. The suitability of different Iraqi barley varieties for malt production. A.S.H. Hussein, Hussein, B.K. Dalaly and K.H. Sharif. Mesopotamia J. Agric. Vol. 14, No. 2, 1979.

18. The distribution of natural and added copper in buffalo milk. B.K. Dalaly and L. Abdet-Mottaleb Mesopotamia J. Agric. Vol. 15, No. 1, 1980.

19. Human milk ribonuclease. B.K. Dalaly, R. Eitenmiller, B.A. Friend and K.M. Shahani. Biochemical et Biophysical Acta. 615: 381-391, 1980.

20. The plastein reaction and modified food protein system. B.K. Dalaly and J. Brunner. International Symposium on Food Technology in Developing Countries. Page 16. 1980.

21. Amylase production from yeast. B.K. Dalaly and A. Al-Banna. Mesopotamia J. Agric. Vol. 16, No. 1, 19 8 1.

22. Human ribonuclease: II. Further studies on the isolated ribonuclease. B. K. Dalaly, R. Eitenmiller, B. A. Friend and K.M. Shahani. Published as paper No. 5859. J. series, Nebraska Agricultural Experimental Station. 19 8 1.

23. Extracellular proteases from Pseudomonas sp. Isolated from raw milk. B.K. Dalaly and A. Abbo. Vol. 1, XXI International Dairy Congress, page 487, 1982.

24. Isolation of a protease from S. Cerevisiae. B.K. Dalaly and A. Al-Banna. Iraqi J. Agric. Sci. Vol. 1, No. 1, 1983.

25. Further studies on amylase from bakers yeast. B. K. Dalaly and A. Al-Banna. Iraqi J. Agric. Sci Vol. 2, No. 2, 1984.

26. Isolation of heat resistance proteases from Pseudomomonas fluorescence. B.K. Dalaly and A. 1. Abbo. Iraqi J. Agric. Sci. (Zanco) Vol. 3, 1985.

27. Partial purification and characterization of glucomylase from Aspergillus niger. B.K. Dalaly and A. Mahmood. Zanco J. Vol. 3, No. 2, 1985.

28. Isolation of heat resistance proteases from Pseudomonas florescence. B.K. Dalaly and A.I. Abbo. Zanco J. Vol. 3, No. 2, 1985.

29. Purification of trypsin inhibitor from Viciafaba. B.L. Dalaly and S.M.R. Al- Janabi. Zanco J. Vol. 3, No. 4, 1985.

30. Characterization of trypsin inhibitor from Vicia faba. B.K. Dalaly and S.M.R.Al-Janabi. Zanco J. Vol. 4, No. 1, 1986.

31. Isolation and partial characterization of glucose isomerase from Streptomyces sp. B.K. Dalaly and M.S. Abdullah. Zanco J. Vol. 4, supplement 1986.

32. Characterization of crude glucose isomerase from Streptomyces sp. A-B//32. B.K. Dalaly and M.S. Abdullah. Zanco J. Vol. 4, supplement 1986.

33. Studies on low activity of Bakers dry yeast upon storage, B.K. Dalaly and M.S. Tawfeeq. Zanco J. Vol., No. 1, 1987.

34. The composition of cow’s milk in Mosul area. A. El-Shasly, B.K. Dalaly, and Abdel-Mottaleb. Mesopotamia J. Agric. Vol. 8. 1987.

35. Suitability of the different Iraqi barley varieties for malt production: H-Proteolytic and diastolic activity of some malted barley grain K.H.H. Sharaf and B.K. Dalaly. Proceedings; The first Scientific Conference of the Foundation of Technical Institutes. 1988.

36. Isolation and characterization of Iraq sheep lipase. B.K. Dalaly and R.M. Hanna. Mesopotamia J. Agric. Vol. 2 1. No. 2, 19 89.

37. Isolation characterization of Pepsin from local Sheep’s. K. A. Shaker, B.K. Dalaly and .A. Saied. Basrah J. Agric. Sci. Vol. 2. No. 1.2. 1989.

38. Distribution of grains chemical constituents of some Iraqi barley varieties. K.H.H. Sharaf and B.K. Dalaly. Tech. Res. J. Vol. 6, 1990.

39. Effect of mutation and some cultural condition on citric acid production by local strain of Aspergillus niger. M. Abdul-salam, F.A. Al-Ani and B.K. Dalaly Mesopotamia J. Agric. Vol. 1, No. 23, 199 1.

40. Some chemical and physical properties of locally grown wheat starches. S. Husain, A.B. Soolaka and B.K. Dalaly Mesopotamia J. Agric. Vol. 2, No. 23, 1991.

41. The influence of heat treatment on some chemical and physical properties of sheep milk. N.A.Al-Talib, M. Al-Tayar and B.K. Dalaly. Mesopotamia J. Agric. Vol. 23, No. 4, 1991.

42. Production of citric acid by a local strain of Aspergillus niger. And its mutants in date juice medium. M. Abdul-Salam, F.A. Al-Ani and B.K. Dalaly. Proceedings: The second Arab Modem Biotechnology Conference. Jordan, 1993.

43. Isolation and purification of B-galactosidase from Streptococcus thermophillus: I. Immobilization and some properties. W.A. Mahmood and B.K. Dalaly (sent for publication).

44. Isolation and purification of B-galactosidase from Streptococcus thermophillus: II, Characterization and some properties. W.A. Mahmood and B.K. Dalaly. Archives of Biotechnology, an International J., Vol. 43, 1994.

45. Isolation and immobilization of B-galactosidase from Streptococcus thermophillus: Further studies. B.K. Dalaly and W.A. Mahmood Mesopotamia J. Agric., Vol. 27, No. 2, 1995.

46. Hydrolysis of lactose in whey using B-galactosidase of Kluyvermyces from permeabilized cells. B.K. Dalaly and W.A. Mahmood. Mesopotamia J. Agric., Vol. 27, No. 2, 1995.

47. Improving citric acid production by mutation of Asergillus niger A.M. Al-Gubory and B.K. Dalaly. Mesopotamia J. Agric. Vol. 27, No. 2. 1995.

48. Fermentation columns for citric acid production by Aspergillus niger WCGUC- 142 using solid state fermentations. A.M. Al-Gubory and B.K. Dalaly. Mesoptamia J. Agric. Vol. 28, No. 1, 1996.

49. Optimum conditions for citric acid production from Aspergillus niger WCOUC- 142 using solid state fermentation. A. M. AL-Gubory and B. K. Dalaly. Mespotamia J. Agric. vol. 25, No. 1, 1996.

50. Acid hydrolysis of spent grain. Y. A. Younis and B. K. Dalaly. Mesopotamia J. Agric. vol. 28, No. 3, 1996.

51. Production of single cell protein from acid hydrolysate by C. utilis and T reesie. Y. A.Younis and B. K. Dalaly. Mesopotamia J. Agric. vol. 28, No. 3, 1996.

52. Nutritional value of single cell protein produced from C. utilis and T reesie. Y. A. Younis and B. K. Dalaly. Mesopotamia J. Agric. Vol. 2 8, No. 3, 1996.

53. Low-Fat Butter, B. K. Dalaly and A. K. Hassan. Iraqi J. of Agric. vol. 4, No. 8. 1999.

54. Production of low-fat butter and partial substitution with vegetable oils. I- Fat constants and characteristics. . B. K. Dalaly and A. K. Hassan. Iraqi J. of Agric. vol. 4, No. 4. 1999.

55. Production of low-fat butter and partial substitution with vegetable oils. II- Physical and organolyptic properties. B. K. Dalaly and A. K. Hassan. Iraqi J. of Agric. vol. 4, No. 4. 1999.

56. The fatty acids and their relation with physical properties of the butter substituted with vegetable oils. B. K. Dalaly and A. K. Hassan. vol. 4, No. 8. 1999.

57. The composition of some legumes consumed in Iraq and the influence of cooking. B. K. Dalaly, H. M. Shahwan and A. S. H. Hussan. Mesopotamia J. Agric. vol. 31, No. 2, 1999.

58. The mineral content of some legumes consumed in Iraq. B. K. Dalaly, H. M. Shahwan and A. S. H. Hussan. Mesopotamia. Iraqi J. Agric. vol. 31, No. 2. 1999.

59. Some properties of local sheep pepsin and effect of some additives on its clotting

activity. B. K. Dalaly, K.A. Shaker, N. A. Saeed, Basrah J. Agric. Sci. vol. 12, No. 2. 1999.

60. The role of poly galacturonase in fruit ripening of Carica papaya B. K. Dalaly, S. M. Rashed and F. A. Hussain. Iraqi J. of Agric., vol. 5, No. 4. 2000.

61. Rainfed agriculture in Iraq for the season 1998-1999 and the drought issue. B. K. Dalaly and S. T. Al- Najafi. J. of perspective Research. vol. 1, 2000.

62. Ecological study on Bahr Al-Nagafi depression and investment for fish production. B. K. Dalaly, A. A. Al- Lami and A. N. Balasem. Iraqi J. of Agric., vol.5 No.4, 2000.

63. Physical properties and chemical composition of legumes used in Iraq. B. K. Dalaly, H. M. Shahwan, and A.S. H. Hussain. Basrah J. of Agric. Sci., 14 (1) 2001.

64. The effect of changing pH and salt concentration on the amount of water held in reconstituted buffalo cheese. B. K. Dalaly, T. K. Hassan. Tirkrit J. of Agric. Sci., vol. 1, No. 2, 2001.

65. Cooking qualities of legumes consumed in Iraq. B. K. Dalaly, H. M. Shahwan, and A.S.H. Hussain. Tikrit J. Agric., Vol. I No. 3, 200 1.

66. Production, extraction, and crystallization of citric acid from sugar beet wastes using solid state fermentation by Aspergillus niger. B. K. Dalaly, A. M. Ali, Z. A. Saleh and R. M. Saleh. Education and Sci., J., Vol. 49, 200 1.

67. Milk production in Awassi and their crosses with D man sheep. B. K. Dalaly, J. E Alkass, A.M. A. Saleh, and S. A. Magid. Iraqi J. Agric. Sci., 32 (5) 2001.

68. Using ground corn stover instead of ground barley straw as roughage for calves. B. K. Dalaly, S. A. Magid and A. A. A. Al- Sultan. Iraqi J. Agric. 7 (4) 2001.

69. Some change during production and storages of Yoghurt. F. 0. Mhammad, A. K. Hassan, B. K. Dalaly. Iraqi J. Agric. Sci., Vol. 2 No.2, 200 1.

70. The food security of Iraq. B. K. Dalaly and S. T. Al- Najafi. Studies in Iraqi Economic. 2001.

71. Physico – chemical and bacteriological studies of drinking water characteristics of residential area of Midland Refineries Company. K. A. Shaker, B. K. Dalaly. J. Tikrit. Agric. Sci., Vol. (2), No. (3), 2002.

72. Practical Applications of Calotropis procera proteases. I- The utilization of Calotropis in leather bating. B. K. Dalaly, K. A. Shaker, Iraqi J. Agric. 2003.

73. Using Calotropis procera leaves protease in the tenderization of aged ewe meat.

I. Immersion method. K. A. Shaker, O. F. Ahmeh, and B. K. Dalaly. Iraqi J. of

Agric. Sci., Vol. (5), No. 4, 2005.

74. Using Calotropis procera leaves protease in the tenderization of aged ewe meat.

II. Injection method. K. A. Shaker, O. F. Ahmeh, and B. K. Dalaly. Iraqi J. of

Agric. Sci., Vol. (5), No. 4, 2005.

75. Isolation and Purification of Lysozyme from Calotropis procera Latex. K. A.

Shaker. S. Abdulrahman, and B. K. Dalaly. Iraqi J. Agric. Sci., Vol. (1), 2006.

76. Partial Characterization of Calotropis procera Lysozyme. K. A. Shaker, S.
Abdulrahman, and B. K. Dalaly. Iraqi J. Agric. Sci., Vol. (1), 2006.

Significant Contributions in Research
1. DOE/USDA Biorefinary Proposal – Atmospheric Pressure Low Temperature Biomass Liquefaction and Biorefining Model, $2.2 Million. (University of Minnesota, SDSU, University of Nebraska, Pending).

2. Sun Grant, South Dakota Center

Introduction of a new line of enzyme research to obtain biomass derived sugar

Through microbial enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose and hemicellulose to

glucose. A variety of fuels can be made from biomass resources. (Approved).

3. Biorefinary Institute for Renewable Energy (BIRE), SD-DOE EpSCoR Proposal $3.375 Million.

Also, submitted the following proposals in the field of renewable energy:

4. North Dakota Soybean Council (Biodiesel and Other New Uses Research).

5. South Dakota Corn Utilization Council (Immobilized Lipases for

Biodiesel Production from Corn Oil).

Supervising Graduate Students

M.S. Students
1. Chemical change in processed cheese from Buffaloes Milk, 1978.

2. Evaluation of Different Barley Varieties for Malt production, 1978.

3. Cooking Qualities of Some Iraqi Legumes in Relation to Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Starch, 1979.

4. Isolation and Characterization of Amylase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 1980.

5. Isolation and characterization of Gluco-Amylase from Aspergillus niger 1981.

6. Isolation and Characterization of Trypsin Inhibitor from Vicia faba. 1982.

7. Isolation of Two Heat Resistant Proteases from Pseudomonasfluoreseence. 1983.

8. Isolation of Glucose Isomerase from Streptomyces sp. 1985.

9. Studies on Reduced Activity of Bakers Yeast upon Storage. 1985.

10. Isolation and Characterization of Iraqi Sheep Milk Lipase. 1987.

11. Effect of Heat Treatment on Some Physico-chemical of Sheep Milk as Compared to Cows Milk. 1987.

12. Isolation and Characterization of Pepsin from Fourth Stomach of Iraqi Sheep. 1987.

13. Citric Acid Production from Aspergillus niger and its Mutants in Sucrose and Dibis Media. 1988.

14. Structure and Characterization of Local Wheat Starch, 1988.

15. Using Calotropis procera protease in Tenderization of Aged Ewes Meat. 2002.

Ph. D. Students
1. Isolation, Characterization and Immobilization of P-Glycosidase from Streptomyces thermophilus. 1992.

2. Citric Acid Production from Date Palm By-Products through Solid State Fermentation using Aspergillus niger and its Mutants. 1994.

3 .Single Cell Protein Production from Spent Grain using T. reesie. 1994.

4. Production of Low-Fat Butter and Partial Substitution with Vegetable Oils. 1997.

5. Isolation, Purification, and Characterization of Lysozyme from Calotropis procera Latex. 2003.

6. Effect of Calotropis procera Proteases on Muscle Proteins of Aged Cows. 2003.

Academy of Science Membership
1. Chairman of the organizing committees for the Annual Scientific Agricultural

Research Conferences from 1999-2003.

2. Chairman. National Committee of Pesticides Registration and Release, 1999-


3. Chairman, committee for editing and publishing Agricultural Encyclopedia, 1999-


4. National Team Supervisor for planning annual coordination meetings between Iraq

And the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Area (ICARDA).


5. Vice Editor-in-Chief, Iraqi J. of Agriculture, 1996-2003.

6. Editor-in-Chief, Mesopotamia J. of Agric.1986-1990.

Conferences and Meetings:
1. Federation of International Universities. Moscow, 1975.

2. Mosul University Delegation to Clair Mont Feran University, France, 1975.

3. Mosul University Delegation to Punjab Agricultural University, India, 1975.

4. Mosul University Delegation to Uppsala University, Sweden, 1977.

5. International Symposium on Food Technology, Malaysia, 1980.

6. International Dairy Conference. Moscow, 1982.

7. International Conference on Milk Proteins. Luxemburg, 1984.

Membership and Affiliation:

اظهر المزيد

الشبكة العراقية لنخلة التمر

الشبكة العراقية لنخلة التمر عمل تطوعي غير ربحي انشأ كصدقة جارية عام 2007 ليجمع أرشيف النخيل العراقي والعربي ويوثق الأحداث والإنجازات التي يقوم بها ذوي الاختصاص في هذا المجال، يحوي الموقع اكثر من 3000 ملفاً.